

Can an eleven year old go through puberty?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Certainly she can. It's a little early, but not abnormal.

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Q: Can an eleven year old go through puberty?
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When will an eleven year old girl get acne?

Probably, if they are going through puberty then yes

Do eleven year olds go through puberty?

Yes, puberty can start earlier than 11-years-old for many children.

What are qualities of a young eleven and a half year old?

she is independent pretty has probably gone through puberty and her period and is getting lots of pimples

What age does a short eleven year old hit puberty?

any time from 12-16

How can an eleven year old make her butt grow bigger?

Just wait puberty will take care of that

Can a eleven year old have penis implants?

No, they are just beginning to enter Puberty and have no need for implants. A child starts developing their sexual genitals once puberty starts.

Is it normal for an eleven year old girl to have arm pit hair?

Yes. My guess is she has all ready started puberty.

Do eleven year old girls wear bras?

Yes, actually, some do. Girls go into puberty at various times but the average age is between 9 and 14. It's perfectly normal for an eleven year old to wear a bra, but not all of them do.

Can a 5-year-old have gone through puberty?

not entirely no. It is extremely un common for a 5 year old female to have started puberty yet. female puberty completion is around the age of 16-18.

Is it weird for an eleven year old to start growing twelve year old molars?

no it is not because everyone is different. they usually start from ages 9-13. they usually grow in when he/she hits puberty.

Why does 12 year old boy pee his room?

Because he is going through puberty.

What is a eleven year old lady supposed to do about puberty?

Well not much to do, just go with the flow. Once it started it's unstoppable. And if it hasn't started yet, it will.