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I'm no expert, but from what I understand is a FRAUDULENT (key word) contract is not enforceable because it is fraudulent. I would think the innocent party could bring a suit for damages though...

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Q: Can an innocent party enforce a fradulante contract?
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This is really a technicality. It isn't going to be thrown out if the court believes that the right person signed the contract. And if the other party would be harmed because they are relying on the contract, the court will enforce it.

Privity of contract and privity of consideration?

Privity of consideration: In England consideration must move from the promisee. If it is furnished by any other person ,the promisee becomes a stranger to the consideration and,therefore,cannot enforce the promise promisee seeking to enforce an agreement must show that he himself furnished the consideration for the promise give by the other party.The principle is known as the doctrine of privity of consideration.This principle is not applicable in INDIA.Privity of contract : A contract cannot confer any right on one who is not a party to the contract even though the very object of the contract may have been to benefit him.Only a person who is party to a contract can sue on it.This principle is applicable in INDIA.