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Q: Can an object be moving for ten seconds but still have zero displacement?
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Is energy the force that causes an object's displacement?

The statement is not true. But to simply call it "false" hardly does it justice. It's monumentally, archetypically, stunningly false, from at least three angles if not more. -- Energy is not a force at all. -- No force is necessary to cause an object's displacement from one place to another. -- A moving object has energy, and a stationary object may also have energy, but no energy is necessary to cause an object's displacement from one place to another, and none of the energy it has needs to be used up in order to accomplish its displacement.

An object in motion is moving in relation to an object that appears to what?

to an object that stays still

Can and object be moving and still be in equilibrium?


How do you convert displacement time graph into distance time graph?

Displacement is distance from starting point. If the object is always travelling in the same direction then they are the same. If the object turns round, the distance would still be increasing, however the displacement would be decreasing at the same rate.

How does inertia apply to dancing?

the inertia is the force at wich an object is moving the heavier the object the further it will travel i think could be wrong but what do you think

Can an object be moving but still have a net force of zero?


What is no net force between object and its surroundings?

If there is no net force acting on an object then the movement of the object doesn't change. If it is sitting still, then it remains sitting still. If it is moving, then it continues moving at the same speed in the same direction.

A bouquet is thrown upwards does the bouquet's displacement and velocity change?

The bouquet goes from one place to another, from a state of being "still" to moving. It's displacement and velocity does change.

Is it true that all atoms in objects are moving even if the object is still?

yep it's true. The atoms in a still object just move a lot faster and are closer together but they're moving

Explain how the displacement of an object could be zero while the distance traveled was 150 miles?

Displacement is only the distance from the starting point. As long as you return to where you started, then you can travel 1.0 x 10^999999999999 miles and still have a displacement of zero.

How is the motion of an object compared to other objects that are standing still?

They are the exact same. If an object is standing still, it is in motion. Everything in the world is in motion. Not because of the earth moving, it is because particles in all objects are moving.

When thrust and drag are equal why does the object still move?

When the forces on an object add up to zero, the object's acceleration is zero. Thatmeans the speed or direction of its motion doesn't change. It does not mean thatthe object isn't moving. A moving object would just keep moving at a constantspeed in a straight line.