

Can an ocelot harm an adult human?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: Can an ocelot harm an adult human?
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Is an ocelot dangerous to men?

Ocelots are usually nonhazardous, but if you come near or harm their young, they will attack.

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The sloths predators are jaguar,ocelot,and human

What hunts an ocelot?

Ocelot's are hunted by Bobcat's and Coyote's. Human's also hunt them too for their fur. Ocelots are also hunted by lions and eagles.

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Yes, they are easily capable of killing an adult human. However, they prefer to be left alone, and will not seek out humans.

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The ocelot is endangered by human's hunting them for their fur and the jungle's where they live being cut down.

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Human is to adult as feline is to cat. These are just subjects and the adult names for their species.

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Human is to adult like feline is to cat?

The mature version of a human is an adult, and the mature version of a feline is a cat. So human is to adult as feline is to cat.

Can you touch an ocelot?

You can touch an Ocelot but however , if the Ocelot feels threatened it may injure you.

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One needs to check with a vet before giving any human medications to a cat or dog. Some adult & child medications may cause harm to the animals.