

Can an octopus open jars

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Can an octopus open jars
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Where in water does the octopus live?

swims in the open water

What happened with the organs after the Egyptians put them in canopic jars?

the organs were in preserved the canopic jars so if you open up one of the canopic jars today dont be surpried if you find an organ of some type

What is something that is hard to open?

Things that are hard to open include: locked doors sealed jars small minds

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Do an octopus have an open circulatory system?

They have a closed circulatory system.

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open, outside, off

What do octopus use there tentacle's for?

They use their arms to grasp onto pray..... and to hold on to rocks or and object wile it moves, and octopuses are extremly curious.... when scientists put a can in an aquarium with one they dicovered that it put it on its head for shelter and when the but a jar with food inside and a lid on top the octopus opened the jar to get to the food so they alo discovered that the octopuses intelagence.

What is jars that hold the embalmed kings?

The jars that hold embalmed kings are known as Canopic jars. These jars were used in ancient Egyptian burial practices to store the internal organs of the deceased during the mummification process. Each jar corresponded to a specific organ and was often decorated with the head of one of the Four Sons of Horus, who were protective deities associated with the afterlife.

How does fiction help open jars?

Fiction can act as a form of escapism that allows individuals to temporarily leave their stress and worries behind, which can help to mentally and emotionally reset. This mental reset can provide a sense of relaxation and perspective that may make it easier to tackle challenges, including opening jars, with a clearer mindset.

What is the plural of jar?
