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Q: Can an ostrich survive in Alaska?
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What physical characteristics does an ostrich have to survive?

a long neck

Are penguins in alaska?

No Penguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere. In Alaska they would not survive, the climate that they require simply dosent suit for a Penguin in Alaska.

What would happen to the ostrich and the gazelle if one of them wasn't there would the other one be able to survive and would it be easier or harder to survive alone then if they were together?

They would die

How does the ostrich survive in the desert?

Mostly ostrichs live in Savannah or semi deserts eating grass, seeds and sometimes insects

Can an ostrich swim?

Yes it can. Not very quickly, but it can swim across strong currents.

Do cruises help Alaska?

some ports thrive on tourists to economically "survive."

Can you find koalas in Alaska?

No. Koalas, which are not related to bears, are marsupials which are native to Australia alone. Koalas could not survive the cold climate of Alaska.

What is the name of the biggest bird on earth?

The Ostrich.

What would happen if to the ostrich and the gazelle if one of them wasn't there would the other one be able to survive easier or harder than when they were together?


Who is faster roadrunner or ostrich?

The ostrich is fastest, able to run 40 mph.

If somebody would send a Panda to Alaska do you think the Panda will survive?

No, the panda is not adapted to the cold

Where does the ostrich lives?

The ostrich is native to Africa.