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Anemia does not normally cause swollen lymph nodes. lymph nodes are most commonly the sign of bacterial/viral infections. These lymph nodes are usually soft, mobile, tender and swell to a large size over a short period of time. other causes of swollen lymph nodes incluse benign growths and malignancies. When watching out for malignancies, lymph nodes should be checked if they are hard, non-mobile, cause no pain and swell largely over a longer period of time (weeks-months)

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Yes, but not commonly. Swollen lymph nodes (as a result of an eating disorder) are more often cause by bulimia as opposed to anorexia.

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Q: Can anorexia lead to swollen lymph nodes?
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Can smoking cause swollen lymph nodes in the neck?

Yes, lymph nodes can swell in response to irritation caused by tobacco smoking. Repeated damage in chronic tobacco smoking habits can lead to swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes swell due to increase WBC and lymphocyte activity, as nodes are activated to clear out dead cells and attack cells that may have damaged DNA. Some of these damaged cells may be pre-cancerous or cancerous. This condition can lead to a variety of cancers including lymphoma. Regular irritation causes many different neck glands to react to the damage, thereby causing activity in the immune system leading to the swelling. Lymphocytes and related cell macrophages will drain into the node in the neck if damage is occurring in the upper respiratory system (trachea, upper bronchial tract, throat, near hyoid bone). A network of cervical lymph nodes spans the neck and lower jaw, and "overload" of one node can cause nearby nodes to swell. "Blisters" in the mouth can also occur, as small glands on the inside of the mouth (called "submandible" lymph nodes) swell in response to immune system activity.

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Lymph nodes.

Can E. coli cause you to get appendicitis?

Yes, because infection could cause swelling of lymph nodes and cause appendix obstruction which ultimately lead to acute appendicitis

Can Addison's Disease lead to anorexia?

Not really, no.

Will a tetanus shot cause an armpit to fell sore?

Yes. A vaccine shot will make your immune system go into overdrive. A part of the immune system are the lymph nodes, and two of them are in the armpits. If they are active, they swell, which can lead to soreness.

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Can Celiac Disease Lead to Anorexia?

In extreme cases, but not usually.

Can anorexia cause strokes?

Yes, it can. Anorexia can cause a lot of issues to your vital organs. An irregular heartbeat is possible, which can lead to a lot of complications, one of which being a stroke.

What are the Signs and symptoms of childhood leukemia?

It is easy to make out the occurence of Childhood Leukemia by knowing its symptoms and signs. One of the early signs of this disorder could be pale skin, severe nosebleeds and bleeding gums. There is a loss of energy in patients when the disorder occurs. Also patients lose weight and there is shortness of breath. The presence of swollen lymph nodes can lead to the appearance of lumps, which usually affect the groin, stomach, underarm and neck areas. Apart from these, there is fever experienced by patients.

Does anerexia have anything to do with diarrehea or dihiadration?

Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder characterized by restriction of food intake. It can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances due to inadequate fluid and nutrient intake. Diarrhea is not a typical symptom of anorexia, but dehydration from poor nutrition can result in digestive issues.

Is amenorrhea a result of anorexia?

Severe weight loss or continued starvation can lead to a significant change in the menstrual cycle which can subsequently lead to the loss of the female's period.

What can an eating disorder lead to?

An eating disorder can lead to many severe health problems. With anorexia you may loose weight but not in a good or healthy way.