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Okay this should be taken as medical information, this is based on my own personal experience with that you have asked. I was put on to Citalopram 10mg 1 x daily, three days late I had moved into the toilet, I could not even drink water. The Doctor switched me to Fluxoetine 20mg capsule 1 x daily. I put up with the diarrhoea for the first 3 months, but after 5 months the side effects were terrible. I got to the point where I couldn't actually eat solid food without 15 minutes later having to visit the toilet. This was worse sometimes with me actually swallowing the food on the way to the loo. In the end I gave up within 24 hours I was back to normal toilet habits, and within 4 - 5 days normal, in fact I had constipation something which I had not had for months, a very uncomfortable but welcome event. So I would say from personal experience yes, after all the SSRI is actually altering the serotonin levels, as mosts of these are in your stomach then there as to be a pay off, you could try taking lotomil which will stop it but in my opinion it does not do that much better, I'm waiting to talk to my GP again about what the alternatives are other than the last two medicines, I know that the Prozac worked I can tell this after I came off it, but the side effects are and were crippling, in fact you could joke and say that the diarrhoea, and constant need to go to the loo, left no time for me to be depressed. I am interested if any one knows what anti depressants do not cause GI issues this bad.

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Q: Can antidepressants cause diarrhea after 6 months taking it?
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