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Q: Can anyone be allergic to pet fish?
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Why is your mom allergic to all the pets exept for fish?

She's probably allergic to the pet dander. That's the tiny flakes of dead skin the animals shed.

Does pet make you sick?

Well it depends if you are allergic to your pet or if you are allergic to something your pet rolled in. But I do not think that if you are not allergic to them or anything else in the area you live in than no you can not get sick because of your pet. (you might be allergic to something your pet rolled in if you are sick)

Is the Norfolk Terrier a good pet for people allergic to dogs?

No, but shedding is minimal for this breed.

Who is allergic to bee?

Anyone who knows that they are allergic to bees.

Does anyone know a type of pet that is not a fish cat dog rodent reptile or bird?

A frog, it is an amphibian.

What were One Directions first pets?

niall's first pet-fish liam's first pet-fish harry's first pet-fish zayn's first pet-fish louis first pet-fish

Hey does anyone know the name of the fish that turns your pet into Cerberus on Fate The Traitor Soul?

Its the flawless corydoras

Who eats sushi?

Anyone can eat sushi, as long as they are willing to eat fish and they are not allergic. Although it originates from Japan, sushi can be eaten by most people.

Is the Schipperke a good pet for people allergic to dogs?

yes,the Schipperke a good pet for people allergic to dogs.

Is fish food is killing the fish?

No it isn't unless your fish is allergic to something in it.

Can anyone suggest a pet for a family with one member who is allergic to pet hair and another member who strongly disagrees with pets being kept in cages and tanks?

Maybe a few tortoises or a snake would be suitable for a family like this.

What kind of fish is bream. Please you need to know as you are allergic to certain fishes?

It is a fish that swims and if you are allergic to any type of fish then just don't eat any type of fish