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Not a vevo account a you tube account

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Q: Can anyone have a vevo account on youtube?
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Related questions

Does Nick Jonas have a you tube?

He only has an account with vevo on youtube. Not his own personal one.

How many vevo channels are there?

There is reported to be over 1,000 VEVO channels. VEVO is a MCN on YouTube that is managed by music labels.

Why cant the Kindle Fire get vevo on youtube?

it is a mobile device. there is an app called VEVO though

What is the most popular music site?

vevo and youtube

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Is vevo owned by YouTube?

No. Sony Music Group

Why can I no longer find music videos on YouTube?

You can, but sometimes the music is copyrighted. Try vevo music videos. They usually work.. You should be able to find vevo channels on youtube.

Can YouTube sue anyone for a video if they are under 18?

no you have to be 13 to have a YouTube account

What are some music video websites?

VEVO and YouTube (that I know of).

What are some addicting websites?

youtube, facebook, twitter, vevo

Where can you listen to the song stronger?

Vevo or youtube, both work.

Does Lil Wayne have a youtube account?

Liam Payne's official fan Twitter page can be accessed by clicking on the related link below. Liam's verified account name is @real_liam_payne; you know it's a real account because it has the blue "verified" checkmark next to the name.