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Q: Can anyone tell me the name of the song or anything about it really that goes Sex Booty Money Grills Liquor Diamonds Bunnies Trill?
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Related questions

What is the driiference between rum and liquor?

Liquor is anything with alcohol in it. Rum is a type of liquor, differentiated by being distilled and made from sugar cane.

Can liquor stores sell chips?

Depends on the state's law. In Kansas, liquor stores are not allowed to sell anything that does not have alcohol in it.

Does lighting liquor on fire make it stronger?

If anything it would make it weaker when igniting, the fire will burn off a portion of the alcohol contained in the liquor.

What is the definition of illegal liquor?

Illicit means the same thing as illegal. Illicit alcohol is alcohol on which taxes have not been paid or that was manufactured illegally.

Where can you purchase liqueur in Salem Oregon?

You can only purchase hard alcohol (anything that isn't wine, beer, champagne) in liquor stores. The liquor stores with the best selection are on Lancaster St. and Commercial St.

Can cops erest you if you have liquor inside a Arizona bottle?

lawl at "erest" and yes they can, if you have any liquor or alcohol in anything except for the bottle it came in unopend then it would be illegal. Dont drink underage, your not old enough.

Can you get a liquor licence to only deliver liquor in minnesota?

You do not need a liquor license in MN to possess liquor.

Do you need a liquor license if you are in the catering business and you serving the customer liquor?

Absolutely you do. You also need Liquor Liability insurance. Look up "Dram shop act" You can be sued if anything happens when a person leaves the site intoxicated and they get into an accident. You dont have insurance or a license to sell alcohol - it can cause you to be in a lot of trouble.

What is currant liquor?

Anything that's made from, or has been mixed with, currants while being made. Creme de Cassis is an example.

When was liquor legal?

Liquor is not illegal.


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Is vodka a liquor?

Vodka is indeed a "hard liquor". It can be bought in a range of alcohol proofs, from 80 to 100 proof, (with an alcohol content of 35% to 50% by volume) and is traditionally a Russian favorite.