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Yes, so long as the alcohol is consumed, possessed, purchased, and/or furnished in the presence and by your doctor, as a religious practice, or by a parent, spouse, or legal guardian who are legal age. (O.R.C. 4301.69).

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Q: Can anyone under 18 legally drink alcohol in Ohio?
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Can a minor drink alcohol with his parents in South Carolina?

NO! anyone under the age of 21 is not legally allowed to partake in the consuming of alcohol unless it is for a religious ceremony or was used in the cooking of food. When is it used to cook food the alcohol content of the drink must be boiled away during the cooking process.

Is it legal for an under 16 to drink alcohol at a friends home?

No. Giving alcohol to anyone under the age of twenty-one anywhere is illegal.

What is the difference between an underage drinking ticket and a DUI?

An underage drinking ticket can only be given to someone who is drinking that isn't legally old enough to drink. A DUI is a ticket given to anyone who is driving under the influence of alcohol, meaning they are above the legal limits of alcohol consumption to be able to drive.

If you are under legal drinking age and have child can you legally consume alcohol?

No you cannot. Whether you have a child or not is irrelevant. You are under the legal drinking age, so you cannot legally consume alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW under the age of 18?

No, you cannot drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW with the persons who are under the age of 18.

Can you drink alcohol in svalbard?

Yes, you can buy it and drink it, under Norwegian laws.

How old do you have to be to drink at home?

you have to be 5 years old or over to drink alcohol in your own home because you are in your own house. but you have to be over 18 to buy alcohol anywhere. and you can be 14 to have a alcoholic drink with a meal.

If a guest permits a minor to drink alcohol at a licensed establishments who is responsible under the liquor code?

Which of the following best helps lower a person's blood alcohol content

What can you do at eighteen and older that you can not do under eighteen that is legal?

Vote In Political Elections, Join The Military, Watch Porn Legally, Drink And Purchase Alcohol, Have A Sexual Relationship, and go to adult only venues.

It is unlawful for anyone under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol level equal to or greater than what?

I don't think you finished your question, but it is illegal for anyone to drive with a high blood alcohol level (here the legal limit is 0.08 I don't know if this is the same everywhere though). It is illegal in the United States, with a few exceptions, for someone under the age of 21 to drink alcohol, so for them to drive with alcohol in their system, Yes, that is also illegal.

Who is considered a minor under the Texas alcoholic beverage code?

For purposes of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage code, anyone under 21 is a minor.

What does the eligible mean?

Eligible means that you meet the criteria of something. For example: To drink or purchase alcohol, you must be 18 in the UK. Anyone who is under 18 is not eligible to perform these actions.