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Q: Can anything bad come from hemorrhoids?
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Where can I learn about hemorrhoids and how to get rid of them?

Very persistent hemorrhoids can be dealt with swifty and permanently with surgery. The surgery is not as bad as it sounds, and certainly not as bad as living with bad hemorrhoids. Anything that Preparation H won't take care of in a month or so should be referred to a doctor, so he can either set you up with stronger medicine or get you the surgery to get rid of them.

Are hemorrhoids bad?

They hurt, yes

Inflammatory you mean like when you get hemorrhoids?

Inflammatory is anything that is swollen because of an irritant

Need a name for a Motorcyle club Something that stands out Something that saids bad?

"The Hemorrhoids"

Can an external hemorrhoid turn into an internal hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are formed by the person's health condition, especially on the rectum part. When blood circulation is bad on the rectum part, you might have hemorrhoids. It could be external or internal or both. It is not turning into internal form from external. It is just where you have the hemorrhoids.

What is the origin of hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids come from a dilated vein in the rectum. This is really a varicose vein.

How can a man get rid of hemorrhoids completely?

Only surgery will get rid of them but they can still come back.

Do geckos get hemorrhoids?

No. geckos don't get hemorrhoids

Hey im a heavy drinker and you suffer from hemorrhoids pretty much everyday is there anything you can do to get rid of it?

I do not believe that drinking has any bearing on hemorrhoids that I have ever heard of. Use over the counter creams, and if that doesn't work, there is always surgery to get rid of them.

Did Ernest Hemingway have hemorrhoids?

Hemingway did in fact suffer from hemorrhoids.

What is another term for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are also known as piles

How do you know you have hemorrhoids?

Here is a link that offers symptoms of hemorrhoids.