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Yes they can live up to 85 years old. Yes they can live up to 85 years old. Yes they can live up to 85 years old.

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Q: Can apes or monkeys live up to 60 years old?
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Do you think that apes are more closely related to old world monkeys or to new world monkeys?

Apes are more closely related to Old World Monkeys.

Are old world monkeys related to new world monkeys?

Well one difference would be that Old World Monkeys have more opposable thumbs than New World Monkeys (basically, it's the main difference). For more information, try clicking the related link. Hope this helped~

Are the macaques apes?

No, macaques are a group of Old World Monkeys.

Which is a good way to tell apart apes and monkeys?

A good rule of thumb is that monkeys usually have tails and apes don't. If you see them in the trees, apes can swing from branch to branch, monkeys can't. The classification of "ape" and "monkey" isn't particularly well done; Old World monkeys are more closely related to apes than to New World monkeys, also whether humans should be classified as apes has been unclear over the years; chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to gorillas.

What monkey species other than lemurs live in Madagascar?

Lemur is a type of monkey that only lives in Madagascar.

What are three types of primates?

They are New World monkeys, Old World monkeys and apes, and prosimians, the most primitive primates

When ape appears?

---Genetic analysis shows that apes diverged from the Old World Monkeys etween 29 million and 34.5 million years ago..

How long do most monkeys live?

Monkeys have lived up to 50 years old and are still living today

What is the variety of monkey and apes?

There are over 200 different species of primates. There are three categories, Prosimians, Apes and monkeys. Prosimians are in the family Prosimii and live in Africa and Asia. They include lemurs, lorises, galagos and (possibly) tarsiers. Apes are the members of the Hominoidea Family. They are split in to two groups: * the family Hylobatidae consists of 4 genera and 13 species of gibbons, known as the "lesser apes" * the family Hominidae consisting of orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans, known as the "great apes". Monkeys are a much more broad. There are about 264 species of monkeys. These are divided into Old World Monkeys (from Africa & Asia), and New World Monkeys (from South America). Some New World monkeys are Capuchins, Spiders, Squirrels, Marmosets, and Tamarins. Some Old World monkeys include Macaques, colobus, patas, grivets, mandrills, and vervets.

What kind of pattern markings do monkeys have?

There are many, many different species and subspecies of monkeys. Each has its own unique markings. 264 species of monkeys are known. Monkeys are divided into two groups, old world (cercopithecoid) and new world (platyrrhine). They are quite distinct from each other. The old world monkeys are closely related to apes, while new world monkeys are very distant from apes and other monkeys.

What is the average age of monkeys?

While being born, monkeys mate with their mothers

How long can a howling monkey live?

howler monkeys usually live to be 20 years old in captivity, but in the wild they usually live up to roughly 16 years old