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Q: Can appendix pain be mistaken for a kidney stone?
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When you have a surgery to remove a kidney stone will I be in pain?

It is likely you will be in pain as long as you have the kidney stone.

What organ is on the right side of back above hip bone?

Sounds as if you are describing left sided flank pain. Typically, we see flank pain with kidney issues such as an infection or kidney stone.

Where does it hurt when you have a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are normally followed with cloudy or bloody urine, no position is comfortable to sit in, may also have a burning or sharp pain in your bladder. Ant abdominal pain is strongly suggested to seek doctors help, abdominal pain can also indicate a bad appendix or even early signs of diabetes.

Is the pain associated with a kidney stone.?


What can cause Kidney pain and sticky urine?

Presence of kidney stone may cause kidney pain and sticky urine.

What is the symptoms of a kidney stone?

Terrible back pain.

A ureterolith is a stone in the urethra?

When a stone is in the ureter, it is called a kidney stone. Symptoms of a kidney stone are extreme abdominal pain, blood in the urine, and back pain in the lower areas (tailbone, etc.). Thanks :) Giraffegirl315

What causes sharp pain to the left side and lower back and radiates to the testicles?

appendix or kidney infection.

Left abdomen pain while urinating?

Kidney Stone

Does kidney stone pain move from side to side?

do kidney stones move side to side

Your son was just diagnosed with kidney stones one on the way down.will he be in pain for a while or just while he actually passes it?

When the stone sits in the kidney, it rarely causes problems, but should it fall into the ureter, it acts like a dam. The kidney continues to function and make urine, which backs up behind the stone, stretching the kidney. This pressure build up causes the pain of a kidney stone, but it also helps push the stone along the course of the ureter. When the stone enters the bladder, the obstruction in the ureter is relieved and the symptoms, and pain, of a kidney stone are resolved.

Why does it hurt for a kidney stone to pass into the ureter?

1. That body part has pain sensing nerves. 2. The kidney stone pushes on the nerves.