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They can and did quite easily, by radio between their suits. Inside the LM they had air and spoke as easily as anybody on Earth. (They couldn't whistle though, the air pressure in the LM was too low)

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Q: Can astronauts talk to each other on the moon?
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Why do astronauts have radio transmitters when they are on moon?

So they can talk to each other and Earth, even though there is no air.Astronauts have radio transmitters on moon as they cannot communicate with each other.Sound cannot travel if there is no air. As there is no air on the moon astronauts need radio transmitters when they are on moon.

Can the astronauts talk on the surface of moon as on the earth?

no there is no air in the surface of the moon

Why do astronauts who land on moon talk through wireless sets using radio waves?

Sound needs air to travel through, and as there's no air on the moon. Astronauts have to use radios to talk to each other when in an envrionment without air. Radio waves travel through space and have no trouble traveling where there's no air.

Who was the first president to talk to astronauts on the moon by radio-telephone?


Why is necessary to use a radio when people talk to each other while on the surface of the moon?

Because there is no oxygen on the moon, so you can't talk.

Which president was the first to talk to a man on the moom?

Nixon was the one who talked to the astronauts who had landed on the moon for the first time.

Why can astronauts hear on moon if they come close to each other so that their helmets touch?

Normally, to communicate in space, astronauts need radios. This is because sound (in this case, speech) requires a medium (such as air) to move through. In space, since there is no air, astronauts cannot talk to one another directly. However, in your case, the astronauts may converse because their helmets are touching - thus giving the sound waves a medium to move through - the helmets.

Why when two men talk in the moon cannot hear each other?

Sound is a compression/rarefaction wave in a material, such as air. There is no such thing on the moon.

Why can astronauts not talk to each other without communication equipment on the moon?

There is no air on the moon. Sound waves only propagate through a medium, such as air, water, etc. Sound waves cannot propagate through a vacuum, therefore the astronauts had to use radios to speak to each other.

Which precident was the first to talk to an astronaut on the moon?

Richard M. Nixon, during the Apollo 11 moonwalk. He was the ONLY president to speak with the astronauts while they were on the moon, actually.

When did the Apollo 11 astronauts talk their walk on the moon?

The year my dad was born! 1912!If you say thank you I'll say your welcome.

Which president was the first to talk to the man on the moon?

President Richard Nixon was the first president to speak to an astronaut on the moon, On July 20, 1969 , to the Apollo 11 astronauts. Neil Armstrong was the man on the moon.