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The simple awnser is NO

Your question can be interpreted in two ways:<br><br>1.) Will it help me pass a drug test because I have been taking narcotics?<br><br><br>2.) Will baking soda show up on the test or create a false positive?<br><br>2 is the easiest to answer as both are 100% no. Only certain chemicals are tested for depending on the panel number of the requested test. To explain panel a little better places like Walmart will usually only request a three panel test to check for THC(weed), heroin, and cocaine. The military however or a more serious place might do a 7 panel test which would include almost everything (i.e. ....oxycodone, vicodin, codeine, darvocet, etc).<br><br>1 is harder to answer because no it really doesnt help you pass a drug test. If it has been a while since you last took something and you have a good metabolism, have been drinking to pee a lot, might come up clean faster than others. This includes all those drinks sold at GNC or other stores gauranteeing you pass a drug test. They all rely on the things I just mentioned. They MAY include ingredients which help your metabolism speed up or pee more but in general NOTHING but time will get the drug out of your system. You can speed it up to a point, but time is key. <br><p></p><p>


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Q: Can baking soda produce a negative result on urinalysis?
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