

Can bar graphs touch each other?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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9y ago

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No, if they are, it is called a histogram

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Q: Can bar graphs touch each other?
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Do 4 bar graphs touch?

the bars normally do not touch each other.

Can bar graphs touch?

yes they can

What are dual bar charts?

Dual bar charts, or double bar graphs, are just like regular bar graphs, except there are two bars for each value on the x-axis.

Do bar graphs always have to have numbers?

Yes. Otherwise what is represented by the height of each bar?

How is a bar graph different from other graphs?

In a normal bar graph, each bar represents one value. In a stacked bar graph, each bar has a number of values, stacked on top of each other. So a bar can show how a total is broken down. So each bar could represent a year, with the amounts for each month indicated by different parts of that one bar.

Kinds of graphs for science?

Some common types of graphs used in science include line graphs to show trends over time, bar graphs to compare different categories, scatter plots to display relationships between variables, and pie charts to represent parts of a whole. Choosing the appropriate graph depends on the data being presented and the message that needs to be conveyed.

Why are bar graphs used?

Actually, they are useful. At least in some cases.

What are bar graphs for?

bar graphs are for measuring points of data.

How are bar graphs and line graphs and circle graphs different?

circle graphs add up to 100% , bar and line graphs don't

Can bar graphs be transformed into bar graphs?

well...not sure if you know this but bar graphs already ARE bar graphs, the good news is you don't have to transform them... so half your work is already done XD!

What are several types of graphs?

Line graphs and Bar graphs

Why do you draw bar graphs?

Bar graphs provide an easy way to visualize the comparative sizes of various things. For example, let us say that you are doing something every year, you are raising money for your favorite cause. You can draw a bar for each year showing the amount you raised, and you can then see exactly what the trend may be, and how each year compares to the other years.