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Q: Can bats see in the dark better than humans?
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Who sees better in the dark - cats or humans?

Sorry to say, but cats can see much, much, better than humans can in the dark, since they are night hunters.

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They're able to see in the dark much better than humans.

Why do bats hear better than humans?

because Jose is the coolest person in the world -

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they can hear better than human ears.

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dark wolf is better than dark bull (way better).

Are bats the only mammals that can see in the dark?

no Many mammals can see in the dark far better than humans, but bats actually don't "see" in the dark at all. They make a high pitched screeching sound that bounces off the ground, trees, cliff faces, prey and any other object. They hear it and their brains can calculate what their surroundings are like based on how long it took for the sound waves to come back.

Can humans see better in the dark than animals?

Yes of course animals can see better in the dark than humans.Why do you think Owls and Aye-ayes are nocturnal? so their eyesight has to be better than ours .Have you ever seen an animal stumble in the dark/at night ? i havent,but us humans will if we don't have some type of light to see we will stumble or even worse break a toe or something ,because we cant see in the dark.What i am trying to say is that yes of course animals can see better than humans.

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Like humans, dogs cannot see in truly dark conditions, but dogs' eyesight is better at night with minimal light from the moon, stars, or human lighting. They also detect motion much better in general, whereas humans detect color much better, so at night humans are at a disadvantage for color detection but dogs can still see motion easily.

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What is one reason why bats use echolocation?

For the same reason we use light: to find out what is around us.

Why do bats see better at night?

Bats have eyes and can see both at night and during the day using their eyes. However bats do not rely on their eyes at night (in the dark), because they have another sense they use called "echo location" which works better than their eyes.

What can dog and cat do better then humans?

they can hear, see and smell better than humans