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Q: Can be executed sql statements without a dbms?
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What is dynamic sql in dbms?

Although static SQL works well in many situations, there is a class of applications in which the data access cannot be determined in advance. For example, suppose a spreadsheet allows a user to enter a query, which the spreadsheet then sends to the DBMS to retrieve data. The contents of this query obviously cannot be known to the programmer when the spreadsheet program is written. To solve this problem, the spreadsheet uses a form of embedded SQL called dynamic SQL. Unlike static SQL statements, which are hard-coded in the program, dynamic SQL statements can be built at run time and placed in a string host variable. They are then sent to the DBMS for processing. Because the DBMS must generate an access plan at run time for dynamic SQL statements, dynamic SQL is generally slower than static SQL. When a program containing dynamic SQL statements is compiled, the dynamic SQL statements are not stripped from the program, as in static SQL. Instead, they are replaced by a function call that passes the statement to the DBMS; static SQL statements in the same program are treated normally.



Examples for dbms and rdbms?

My sql, Microsoft sql , Microsoft Access, dBase, Filemaker pro are the examples for dbms and oracle and sql server are the examples for rdbms

List some dbms and rdms software?

The name of few DBMS are FOXPRO, MS-ACCESS, SQL Server, My SQL, ORACLE, etc.

What are the differences between a sql server dba and a sql dba?

The term SQL alone implies Structured Query Language as per the ANSI standard. Every Database Management System (DBMS) has its own "software" that makes it work. That being said, the term "SQL DBA" alone does not make any sense without mentioning the vendor specific DBMS you are managing. So, an SQL Server DBA is an administrator of Microsoft's SQL Server.

What is intelligent internet system in dbms?

intelligent DBMS can mean a variety of things that mimic intelligence. A DBMS may have interpreting ability so you can speak to it in English rather than SQL or it may be able to determine data types without the user specifying them etc.

What are dbms languages?

DBMS languages are specialized programming languages used to interact with databases. Common DBMS languages include SQL (Structured Query Language) for querying and manipulating data, and PL/SQL (Procedural Language/SQL) for developing procedures and functions within a database system. These languages are designed to facilitate communication with the database management system and perform various operations on the data stored in the database.

What is relation between sql and dbms?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to communicate with relational database management systems (RDBMS). DBMS (Database Management System) is a software system that allows users to create, maintain, and control databases. Essentially, SQL is the language used to interact with and perform operations on databases managed by DBMS.

What is the core of sql server's processing sql statements?

Database Engine

Sample of DBMS?

SAMPLE DBMS includes Oracle, DB2, MS Access, MS SQL SERVER, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sybase.

Name three vendors of DBMS products?


What is the general format of an SQL query?

In general, SQL "statements" have a Select "clause," a From "clause," and a Where "clause."