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Yes, I believe that both Bipolar disorder and antisocial personality disorder can coexist. People are complex and unique and both the labels of bipolar disorder and antisocial personality disorder are abstractions are are ways to classify human beings.

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Q: Can you have bipolar and a personality disorder?
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Does bipolar disorder make you rage?

Sometimes it can, because it does have a tendency to have a high irritability rate. So can other diseases like conduct disorder, borderline personality disorder (BDP), narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, or psychosis.

What is bipolar affective disorder exaclty?

"Bipolar affective disorder is when a person has a split personality problem. One mintue a person can be happy and content, they next they can snap into a rage."

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If you mean mental disorders there's manic depressive disorder (bipolar disorder) anti-social personality disorder, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and there is also autism.

Are there known links between bipolar disorder and borderline personality?

No they have nothing to do with each other.

How does being bipolar affect an alcoholic?

With the exception of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder is the mental illness most commonly associated with alcoholism. Over 40% of individuals with Bipolar 1 have a history of alcohol abuse.Basically, Bipolar Disorder and alcoholism tend to go hand in hand. Being Bipolar can cause increased mood swings in alcoholics.

Mental disorder that causes going to hospital or doctor?

There are so many . . . I can think of bipolar disorder, depression, disassociation disorder, panic disorder, personality disorder, asocial disorder among the many.

What is a bipolar personality?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder where u have severe highs and lows in your moods.You can go from feeling really happy and euphoric to feeling really depressed or angry to the point where you have rages.

What are five mental disorders?

1) Schizophrenia 2) Disassociative Identity Disorder 3) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 4) Borderline Personality Disorder 5) Bipolar Disorder