

Can birds eat pork chop bones?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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9y ago

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Yes. Pork ribs may be the exception as they may splinter and/or have sharp edges as they crack.

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Q: Can birds eat pork chop bones?
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Can malti-poo's eat pork rib bones?

Yes. They won't eat the bones, they'll chew them. They just love the taste.

Can you die from eating pork chops?

Sure. You can choke, you can get food poisoning if they haven't been prepared properly. You can eat so much that you die of obesity. if you only eat pork chop you can get malnutrition.

What is the difference between pork chop and pea soup?

One is vegetarian, (Pea Soup) and one is for people who eat meat... :)

Can Jack Russell terrier eat pork chops?

The meat, Yes.Tear the meat in small pieces.The bones, No.No bones.

Are Poultry raised by feeding on pork?

No. Poultry are birds such as ducks and chicken. They DON'T EAT MEAT!!!

Do the birds have bones?

Birds of prey would eat chicken bones as most of them are scavengers too. Eagles and hawks would like make a meal of them.

Why can't the Malay people eat pork?

The Muslims must not eat pork, flowing blood, flesh of beasts of prey, flesh of birds of prey, dead animal, and any animal slaughtered other than in the name of Almighty Allah. It is the command of almighty Allah (God). If the people of Malay are Muslims, they should not eat pork.

Can a Rottweiler eat cooked pork rib bones?

Yes. If you know the bones wouldn't splinter in the dog's jaws, it's fine. Here's a list NO Chicken, turkey, and other poultry bones Rotties have strong jaws, but I have 2 huge dogs and they've eaten pork rib bones. Actually, my brother has a rottie and when he came over, she had a pork rib bone, and she was just fine.

Can dogs eat a pork shoulder bone that has been cooked?

Pork chop bones and chicken bones are NOT good for dogs. These bones have a tendency to splinter and if the dog swallows too many splinters it can be very dangerous to their internal organs. Veterinarians do not recommend giving your dog any bones at all although I think an occasional large beef bone is OK. Even better are the bones you buy at the pet store, no chance of splinters!