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Q: Can blind people fly helicopters
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Related questions

Can people levitate or fly?

People cannot levitate, but they can fly using airplanes and helicopters.

What do helicopters pilots do?

They fly helicopters.

How are people taught to fly helicopters?

Most pilots learn on small fixed wing trainers, then graduate to helicopters.

How can people fly without a plane?

Well, there are helicopters, paragliders, and balloons.

Can people ever fly like birds?

No. We can fly with airplanes and helicopters, but not under the power of our own bodies.

Can helicopters fly in the stratosphere?

No, Helicopters cannot fly in Stratosphere. It is too high for them. They do not produce that much lift. But they can fly in the Troposphere.

Where do chp helicopters fly?

They fly in California.

Can you fly a plane in GTAIV?

You can fly helicopters.

How many hours can an helicopter fly?

There are many different helicopters. Most small civilian helicopters may fly for about an hour, but large passenger or military helicopters can fly for 6 hours or more.

Why do you have helicopters?

so we can fly

Can helicopters fly in the rain?


What do helicopters do that an airplane cant?

Helicopters can fly directly up or down.