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No. Actually no one has a BAC of zero because the human body produces ethanol 24/7. It's called endogenous ethanol production.

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Q: Can blood alcohol level be 0 during alcohol poisoning?
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Can you have a blood alcohol level of 3.66?

Nope. The blood alcohol level for being drunk in many places is 0.10. At Around 0.32 you will die from alcohol poisoning unless you are taken to a hospital. A level of 3.66 is totally impossible to achieve.

What blood alcohol level is alcohol poisoning?

I would say around .30 range because that is when you can have serious damange and possibly die

Is the blood alchol level the same as breath alcohol level?

No, blood alcohol level and breath alcohol level are not the same. Blood alcohol level is a direct measurement of the amount of alcohol in the blood, while breath alcohol level is an indirect measurement based on the amount of alcohol in the breath, which is correlated with blood alcohol level.

What is BAL stand for in reference to alcoholism?

Blood Alcohol Content/ Blood Alcohol Level.

What is alcoholic poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning occurs when someone consumes a toxic amount of alcohol in a short period, leading to a dangerously high blood alcohol level. This can result in symptoms like confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, and unconsciousness. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention to prevent severe complications or death.

Can keppra affect your Blood Alcohol level?

No. Blood alcohol level is a measure of how much alcohol is in solution in the blood. It is possible to affect the rate of absorption, but not the level that is reached.

How many drinks may cause alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning can occur after consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. The specific number of drinks that can lead to alcohol poisoning varies depending on factors like a person's weight, metabolism, and tolerance level. In general, excessive consumption of 4-5 drinks in a short period of time can be dangerous and increase the risk of alcohol poisoning.

What alcohol level is lethal?

2.8 blood alcohol level in a female

What happens when the blood alcohol level reaches .500?



Blood alcohol content. It is used to find out what level of alcohol is in someone's system.

If a person's blood alcohol level is 106 what are the consequences?

A blood alcohol level of 106 is considered very high and can lead to severe impairment of motor skills, decision-making, and coordination. It may result in alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is necessary to prevent further complications.

Blood alcohol concentration means the parts of alcohol in the blood in relation to the parts of oxygen in the blood?

No. It is the level or percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream.