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Yes, just make sure to keep them separate so you don't confuse the readers.

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1mo ago

It is possible for a book to be written with alternating perspectives, such as having a prologue in third person and the rest of the chapters in first person. This can create a unique narrative structure and provide different insights into the story from multiple viewpoints. However, it is important to ensure that the shifts in perspective are clear and serve a purpose in enhancing the overall story.

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Q: Can books be written in first and third person at the same time like prologue is third and chapters in first?
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you can probably read the first few chapters on the Barnes and Noble website. But you can also get the first 4 chapters and prologue on the harpercollins inside Browse webpage. The Link is... ENJOY! It's Awesome. This Site also has other books you can normally read the first 4 or 5 chapters, it just has to be published by them....

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