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Q: Can brahmin marry a lingayat boy?
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Can brahmbatt brahmin girl marry with sarjupari brahmin boy?

No. Technically they cannot. Brahmbhatt is not really considered Brahmin but a intercaste production between Brahmin and Kshatriya. Most in the Brahmin community do not consider them Brahmins even.

Can a rudraj brahmin girl be married to a brahmin boy?

Yes can marry. But girl can't marry any Kulin Brahmin boy due to the difference in civilization, religion. The enmity between rudraj brahmin and Kulin Brahmin developed at the time of King Ballal Sena of bengal. And also because Kulin are ethnically not Bengali ,they are from Kannauj(UP) and their real name is Kanyakubj Brahmins

How a Muslim boy marry a brahmin girl?

cant. only if she Muslim, Jew or christian.

Can a Oriya Brahmin girl marry a Bihari Kurmi boy?

Yes, a Oriya Brahmin girl can marry a Bihari Kurmi boy. Marriage is a personal choice involving individuals, and as long as both the individuals are adults and consent to the marriage, they can marry regardless of their backgrounds, caste, or ethnicity. It's important to ensure that the decision is made based on mutual respect, understanding, and compatibility.

Is mahar is schedule casteis it is crime to marry a brahmin girl with mahar boy?

its not a crime....but dont forget brahmins origin is not from India...

Can a bhardwaj brahmin girl marry a bhardwaj rajput boy?

People of same 'gothras' marriage is not advised

Can brahmin marry?

Yes. Within Trimatasta.

Can a khattri boy of vatsa gotra marry a brahmin girl of vatsa gotra?

Same gotra means that you are children of the same forefather. Which makes you brother and sister. It is a taboo to marry one's sister. However you can ask any temple leader about this problem he will clear your doubts.

Can a gaur brahmin and a maithil brahmin of same Gotra Bhardwaj can marry?

i can not say that gaur and maithil get married.but u can get married in same gotra but shaka must be differ.

Can Telugu devanga jenniwar bridegroom can marry the Telugu Lingayat Bride or not?

Yes, I do not know jenniwar?,but Devanga and Lingayat communities are together in many ways since many centuries.In fact both are ardent saivaites and some elders say that few groups of devangas only due to differences in stone worship of lord shiva formed Lingayat sect. Later part of time Devangas of Karnataka infact put up a petition in Madras Presidency under british rule stating that ''Lingayat is a way of worship not a caste of origin"