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Q: Can bronchitis bring on an asthma attack?
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Can you have an asthma attack caused from excitement or from getting scared?

Yes you can. The adrenaline rush can bring on an asthma attack if you are prone to asthma and not taking your meds properly. My sister had her first asthma attack at 34 when under a great deal of stress, and she had to be hospitalised it was so severe.

What is the causative agent for bronchitis?

Asthma is usually brought on by allergens in the environment, but respiratory tract infections caused by viruses have also been shown to cause asthma. Microbial infections can also eventually bring on asthma.

What problems are related to air pollution?

Asthma Bronchitis

What's the difference between asthma and bronchitis?

Asthma is allergic whereas bronchitis is infection of bronchi. Signs of asthma are wheezing and tightening of the chest. It is a medical emergency. Signs of bronchitis are fever, dry hacking cough, non-productive cough especially at night that becomes productive in 2 or more days.

What illness or disease can your respiratory get?

Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Cancer

What health problems relate to air pollution?

Asthma Bronchitis

Can bronchitis asthma be reason for high count WBC?

Infection is the reason for a WBC. Be it asthmatic bronchitis or not. Asthma alone won't do it. That's not an infection.

What causes a asthma attack?

An asthma attack may be triggered by irritants such as dust or pollen

What are the Disorders for the respiratory system?

asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer

Is chronic bronchitis the same as asthma?

No. They are difference conditions, though they have some similarities.

Which condition does smoking worsen?

It can worsen Bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, heart disease.