

Can bubbles form a rainbow in them?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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A rainbow is not formed it is merely a reflection of light. Bubbles can show a rainbow since the light inside is reflected

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Q: Can bubbles form a rainbow in them?
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Can bubbles be red?

They are rainbow colours bubbles but on a scale of 1 - 10 6 % most bubbles can be clear.

Why can you see rainbow colours on bubbles?

Beacause of the light reflecting of the detergent

What is the plural form of the word bubbles?

bubble is singular; bubbles is plural

Why can a sunlight form a rainbow?

The sunlight has to be refracted by water drops in order for the sunlight to form a rainbow.

Why do bubbles form when you split up water?

When you split water you form hydrogen and oxygen gas. The gases are the bubbles.

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Type your answer here... when lava cools, bubbles form and as the lava turns to stone, the bubbles stay inside.

How do soap bubbles produce rainbows?

Let me start off by saying that different colors of light refract at slightly different angles when they pass through two media. In this case, the media are bubbles and air around the bubbles. When white light(composed of the seven colors of the rainbow) passes through a bubble, the colors are split because of this property. As a result, you see a rainbow.

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There would not be sufficient heat for plasma to form in a rainbow.

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What is inside the bubbles of boil water Where they come from?

Dissolved air bubbles out of the water, as the boiling point of water is reached, water vapour starts to form inside the liquid in the form of bubbles

Is interference effect is the reason for the colorful sight in soap bubble?

the rainbow effect of the colorful swirls in soapy bubbles.

What is in the bubbles you see when water is boiling?

What you mostly see in the bubbles is steam, which is water in gas form.