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Q: Can calcium and omega three affect the absorption of each other?
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What vitamin aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus?

Vitamin D aids in absoprtion of calcium and Phosphorus. Along with other beneficial effects.

What 4 factors affect the rate of absorption?

One factor that affects the rate of absorption is the molecule size. Particle size, lipid water solubility, and the degree of ionization are also three other factors that affect the rate of absorption.

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Shock or other trauma can reduce the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

How does manganese interact with other nutrients?

High doses of manganese may inhibit the absorption of iron, copper, and zinc. Alternatively, high intakes of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc may inhibit the absorption of manganese.

Does Sodium affect other minerals?

Sodium may promote the loss of calcium and potassium from the body

Are bananas a good source of calcium?

No, bananas contain only a small amount of calcium (5mg per 100 grams of banana). They do; however, contain fructooligosaccharides. which may help increase the absorption of calcium and other nutrients. Jhavla

Should you take calcium and magnesium together for migraine headaches?

Calcium and Magnesium balance each other out in the body. They also bind together, so when taken together the body may not be able to use them appropriately. Taking calcium and magnesium separately allows the body to absorb and use them more effectively.

How do other drugs interact with calcium channel blockers?

Taking calcium channel blockers with certain other drugs may affect the way the drugs work or may increase the chance of side effects.

Is calcium harmful to the human body?

Like most minerals calcium can, in excess, cause harm in the body. Walter C. Willett of Harvard University has researched the possible harm of excess calcium and has found an association between too much calcium intake and prostate and ovarian cancers. Calcium balance, a very tightly regulated system, relies upon many other nutrients such as Vitamin K, Vitamin D, magnesium, boron, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. More than just bone health relies upon this balance. It might help to know that the countries with the lowest calcium intake also have the lowest rates of postmenopausal hip and femur fractures.

Can omega 3 dha supplement be used in combination with Strattera in ADHD child as I have concern that omega-3 may decrease Strattera absorption?

According to the 2008 PDR: Absorption of Strattera may be delayed with co-administration of any fatty-rich diet, however the extent of absorption should be the same. So in other words, since Strattera's method of action isn't really based on how quickly it absorbs (remember, it takes about 2 weeks to have an effect), it should still work the same. Here's a better questions though: who told you to put him on omega-3 supplements? While certain fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) have been shown to be necessary for creation of additional synaptic connections in the brain, the evidence that taking supplements to increase their activity is limited to say the least. Since a child's brain is continually creating new synapses (and destroying ones deemed inappropriate), I'd be very careful with any supplements. Try a healthy diet instead with fish like salmon.

What the most vital nutrients that a body needs?

The most vital nutrients for our bodies include fiber and omega-3. Other good ones include calcium and iron. Your body needs all of these to be healthy and grow correctly.

How does body fat affect alcohol absorption?

Body fat does not absorb alcohol so the fatter a person is, the greater the concentration of alcohol in the blood, other things being equal.