

Can carbon conduct heat

Updated: 5/21/2024
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11y ago

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Everything has a thermal conductivity, it's just that some materials have much higher thermal conductivities than others!

Carbon in the form of graphite has a thermal conductivity in the region of around 25 - 500 watts per metre per degrees Kelvin at 293 Kelvins.

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9y ago
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1w ago

Yes, carbon can conduct heat as it has high thermal conductivity properties. Graphite, a form of carbon, in particular, is a good conductor of heat due to its strong atomic bonding structure. Carbon nanotubes also have high thermal conductivity and are being explored for various heat conduction applications.

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11y ago


Through convection, i.e., when you get hot because the air around you is hot. The molecules in air (such as CO2) have energy, typically heated by sunlight, then when they come in contact with your body they release that energy into your body because your skin is at a lower energy level than the air.

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8y ago

Insulators!!!!! ♥!♥!♥☺☻♣◘•

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11y ago

Yes, it conducts heat.

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13y ago

umm find it out yourself

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13y ago

No. I think it is an insulator.

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15y ago

Yes it is

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3y ago

yes it does

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Q: Can carbon conduct heat
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