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I got cardiomyopathy at the age of 35... I was a drug addict and drank since the age of 14. I have kept my weight down and tried to be real careful about my salt intake..I also walk alot...when I was first diagnosed I had 10% use of my heart and was in congestive heart failure.I am two weeks shy of my 45th birthday and I am currently waiting for results of my last echocardiogram. My doctor said that I might be able to stop taking my medicine if all is well. He also asked me if I knew how lucky I was..I said I did. There is hope....

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12y ago

Cardiomegaly is usually associated with an underlying cause. Treatment first involves the treatment of this cause. apart from this the patient should

1.Proper rest and avoid anxiety

2.Exercise regularly

3.Have adequate fluid intake

4.Take low salt diet

The patient must also avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking

underlying causes are many but a few common ones are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, or toxic exposure.

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What is the term of cardiomegaly?

Cardiomegaly refers to enlargement of heart.

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Cardiomegaly is a medical condition where it enlarges the heart.

What part of speech is the word cardiomegaly?

The word cardiomegaly is a noun. The plural noun is cardiomegalies.

What is cardiomegaly?

It is the medical term for enlarged heart. (Cardio = Heart, megaly = enlarged)

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Cardiomegaly refers to an enlargement of the heart; idiopathic indicates no specific reason or event can be found to explain the appearance of the symptom.

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The combining form for cardiomegaly is "cardi/o-" which means heart. Cardiomegaly refers to an enlarged heart, a condition that can be caused by various underlying factors such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or other medical conditions.

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Signs of cardiomegaly include dizziness and difficulty breathing. Other signs include shortness of breath or a cough of unknown origin.

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Cardiomegaly is the medical term meaning the condition of an enlarged heart. Cardio- means heart, and mega- means large.

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