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Q: Can cerebral palsey effect a polygraph?
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What is cerebral palsey?

Cerebral palsey is a disorder of posture and movement, often associated with epilepsy and abnormalities of speech,

WHAT are the cp8 athletes?

the athletes with cerebral palsey, brain damage

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What is the effect of infant hyperbilrubinemia in an adult?

The vast majority of the time there is no lasting effect. In some severe cases it can cause brain damage and lead to things like cerebral palsey (a muscular problem), seizures and decreased intelligence.

Where can one find information about celebral palsey?

Information about Cerebral Palsy can be found on such websites as Mayo Clinic and WebMD. United Cerebral Palsy is also a great resource for information.

What Medical equipment for adult cerebal palsey?

Not all forms of cerebral palsy requires medical equipment. It depends on the severity.

What happens when a baby is shaken severely?

The baby can have severe brain damage for the rest of their life. They may become blind, or they could have motor impairment (i.e. cerebral palsey) and they may have some cognitive impairments.

Can someone be diagnosed with Cerebral Palsey after birth and what are the symptoms?

Cerebral pasly is non-progressive and non-contagious motor condition that causes physical disability in human development, usually motor development, One of the main symptoms is abnormal muscle tone. It us often caused by birth trama, but can also be a miss diagnosis.

What is meant by flow on effect?

cerebral blood flow

What are some signs of Cerebral Palsey?

One of the most common sign early on is development delay. There may also be signs such as unusual posture, abnormal muscle tone, early development of hand preference, and persistent infant reflexes.

What occupation uses a polygraph?

Polygraph examiner

What is the word polygraph in a sentence?

The polygraph test is not "proof-positive". The polygraph test is not completely unreliable.