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yes. even though me and my 4 brothers look alike only 2 of us share the same blood group and both our parents are a-

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Q: Can child be A positive if both parents are O positive?
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If both parents have o positive blood how can the child have o positive L blood?

if both parents have positive o blood their child must have positive o blood

If both parents are O positive can they have a child that is A positive?

No. If both parents are type O, the child will be O. If both are A, the child can be either A or O. If both are B, the child can be either B or O. If both are AB, the child can be A, B, or AB (but not O).

Can two parents with blood type A positive have a child with O positive blood type?

Yes, if both parents have the genotype AO, then the child can have the O from both parents, phenotype O

Can a child have O positive blood if both parents are A positive?

Yes, if both parents are AO genotype there is a 25% chance of the parents producing a type O child. Since both parents are Rh positive the probability of an Rh positive child in at least 75%.

Can parents both blood type O have a child with a positive?

No. If both parents are type O, the child will also be type O.

Can a child with o positive have a parents with a positive?

Yes, one or even both of his parents can be A positive.

If both parents are A positive what usually will the child have?

A or O positive or negative

Can O negative parents have an O positive child?

If they are both O negative, no, the child will be O negative.

Can parents both both type blood o positive have a child with b positive?


If both parents O positive can child be A positive?

Yes, it is possible for both parents with blood type O positive to have a child with blood type A positive. This can occur if both parents are carriers of the A gene, which can be passed on to the child.

Can o positive and a positive parents have o negative child?

Yes. Since the Rh factor is recessive if both parents have a copy of the gene they can have an Rh negative child.

Is it possible for both parents with blood group o positive have a child with A positive?
