

Can chimpanzee make tools

Updated: 8/17/2019
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monkeys have shown to use tools such as twigs placed into ant hills to remove and eat the ants

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Q: Can chimpanzee make tools
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What is the most intelligent type of animal?

A chimpanzee because its closest to our type and they can use hand language to communicate with human and point out signs. The also can make tools.

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make the chimpanzee can recognize

Is chimpanzee a heterotroph?

Yes, chimpanzees are heterotrophs. They obtain their energy by consuming other organisms, such as plants, fruits, insects, and occasionally small animals. Chimpanzees cannot produce their own food through photosynthesis like autotrophs.

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The pygmy chimpanzee, or Bonobo, is one of the two species that make up the Pan, or chimpanzees. A link is provided below.

Do they make a chimpanzee Webkinz?

yes they diddn't add it to the catalog but they made it

How do people make tools without tools?

they buy other tools to make tools

Is a chimpanzee instinct?

The chimpanzee is not extinct.

What is the name of young chimpanzee?

Professionally, a baby chimpanzee is referred to as an infant.Sometimes it may be referred to as a Junior, if it is a young chimpanzee but not a baby.Other than that, there is no specific term for a young chimpanzee, other than "baby chimpanzee" or "young chimpanzee" itself.

Is a chimpanzee a mammal or amphibian?

A chimpanzee is a mammal

Does a chimpanzee have thumbs?

The chimpanzee does have thumbs. But they are not opposable.

What is a chimpanzee with two mouths?

A distomatous chimpanzee.

Was Australopithecus the first to make simple tools?

No they were not to make the first tools homo erectus did make the first tools