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Q: Can chropitist cut out verruca
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What is the plural for verruca?

The plural form for the noun verruca is verrucae.

Is verruca a bacteria?

No, a verruca is a virus. It is actually an expression of the HPV virus.

What is the plural term for verruca?

The plural form for the noun verruca is verrucae.

Does verruca hurt?


How do you prevent a verruca?

well really i don't think you can get rid of verruca's in a week unless they have just recentley appeared.i think the best way to get rid of verruca's are using tea tree oil i used that and my verruca's are starting to go.First you need cotton bud,tea tree oil and a plaster rub some tee tree oil on the cotton bud then place that on the verruca and put a plaster on top put a sock on as you will have to wear them for bed.Do this repeatdly for 10 days then leave for a week or two and you may see that they disapear. x

Can you do PE with verruca?

Yes you can do PE with a verruca as long as you have it covered and do not get it wet. Infection is spread when the verruca releases virus infected cells onto surfaces e.g. floor in changing rooms.

Can you go swimming with a verrruca?

Not really. Remember, verruca's are contagious - if you go swimming with verruca, you'll probably infect someone else with it.

How does verruca get its name?

Verruca is Latin for "wart." (It's also the first name of the spoiled girl in Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.)

Is verruca vulgaris found in the genitals?


What is verruca salt?

It is an American music band.

Is verruca also known as a pimple?

no its known as a wart

Verruca is a wart. The term for several warts is?
