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acidic food with worse the situation.Avoid also spicy foods.

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Q: Can citrus drinks make hemorrhoids worse?
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Does caffeine inflame hemorrhoids?

Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, so it will actually help shrink your hemorrhoids. This can be a great way to help cure your hemorrhoid problem, but it could make it worse if you aren't aware of the side-effects. Caffeine can also cause small dry stools, which could likely make the problem worse. However, you can resolve this by drinking lots of water and eating lots of fiber. Stool softeners can also help a lot.

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Tight pants will not cause hemorrhoids, However if you have them, wearing tight clothing can only make them worse since the clothing does not allow for any air circulation.

What foods are bad for turrets?

Well there Are alot of fruits mostly citrus fruits,bananas,too Grapes make ticks worse. I would stay away from fruit.

Can you drink cold drinks with a sore throat?

yes you can but you shouldn't. Cold drinks will only make it worse. Warm is always the way to go. Avoid artificial drinks. Drink 100% juices because they contain vitamin C which kills bacteria.

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The best natural treatment is to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks. Drink water, low sugar sports drinks and juice. Avoid dairy and caffeine. Dairy, sugar and caffeine can make your diarrhea worse.

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How do you make drinks with corona beer?

you cannot make drinks with corona bear

How do I stop the scorching and burning on my tongue?

suck on an ice cube or rinse with cold water. you can also try saltwater but avoid acidic food or drinks which might make the condition worse.

What would happen if you feed plants citrus juice?

the juice will make the plant slow down the prosses and it will make the plants tast like citrus juice

Which fruits make oil?

all citrus fruit

What makes drinks melt?

nothing can make drinks melt.

What can you not drink when you have a sore throat?

Cold things usally make it feel 100000 times worse in my experiance. And stay away from alcohol! it brings down your immunesystem and makes it worse. Stick to hot drinks like hot water with a slice of ginger and some honey. ps. milk will make your throat feel clogged up and sticky.