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Q: Can clove oil deaden the tooth nerve permanently?
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Can a rotted tooth nerve tooth still in be killed with clove oil app?

Beats me.

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No, the tooth of garlic is the individual slice of a clove of garlic.

How do you kill a tooth nerve?

Buy some clove oil from a health food store, or otc from a pharmacy. Place some of the oil on a cotton ball or qtip. Dab the clove oil onto the tooth, or into the tooth if there is a crack or hole. The oil will numb the pain, and eventually deaden the nerve. Apply the oil immediately when the pain starts to come back, and after doing that enough, it will kill the nerve. Do not drink the oil. Search clove oil and you will see how great it is for toothaches, and killing the nerve. It is a temporary fix tho, so be sure to see a dentist asap. I am studying to become a dental hygienist, and this definitely works!

Are chipped teeth permanently damaged?

I depends on how bad the tooth is chipped...if the nerve is exposed it could possibly led to infection and you will need to have surgery.

How do you kill an exposed tooth nerve?

Clove Oil [Source: ] I actually plan on trying this soon myself.

What is the best pain reliever for a tooth ache?

oil of clove

How do you smoke with fresh tooth extractions?

Apply some clove oil to the place where your tooth was before smoking.

How long does it take for a tooth nerve to die?

While in a tooth or after pulled? Inside your tooth in your mouth, the nerve may not die. You may have to get a root canal done to remove the nerve and keep the tooth. If a person does not pull an infected tooth, the infection may strangle the nerve and leave a non-sensitive tooth. You will then have a grey tooth with no life in it. If this happens and your lucky enough without medication so as the infection goes away; you would have experienced a natural root death and will need to keep an eye on the tooth and get x rays done often. Your tooth will still rot and you will not know it because you feel little pain in the tooth. If your talking about the nerve in the pulled tooth's orifice, bottom jaws could be damaged for months or even permanently. You may also feel as though your lip was numb if you have damage. Top back orifices may perforate the nasal cavity and may hurt constantly. Please be more specific for specific answers.

What is the name of the part of the tooth hidden inside the tooth?

The 'pulp' is the nerve of the tooth.

How can you treat sore tooth naturally?

Go to a Pharmacy & get some clove oil. If you can't get to a Pharmacy put a drop of whiskey on your tooth.

How long after root canal treatment on a tooth should it take to deaden the tooth?

A successfully completed RCT ensures that your tooth is no longer live. Rct is done on tooth that are already dead or that do not have a realistic possibility of staying alive and fully and practically functional. YOUR TOOTH SHOULD BE DEAD AND HAPPY if the RCT was successful.

The nerve is dead in my tooth What now?

Put it under your pillow and the tooth fairy will come for it