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Yes, constant fighting in the home can have a detrimental affect on any child. An autistic child who is stressed, or overloaded due to empathy towards others in the family suffering, will have worsened symptoms.

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Q: Can constant fights at home worsen the condition of an autistic child?
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There is no opposite of the noun condition, but the opposite of the verb (meaning to prepare, adapt, or improve) could be slacken or worsen.

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Junk food isn't good for any child, regarless of their neurology. For autistic children diet can be a big difference in their symptoms, also autistic people tend to be more prone to digestive problems so junk food may cause those problems to worsen too.

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Autism refers to a neurology, it's not something that can 'grow' at all. Autistic symptoms can improve, worsen, or change as an Autistic person gets older - it's typically more severe in children, but older people can show worsening symptoms too or can simply stop caring so much about hiding their autism.

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Anything with artificial ingredients, even white sugar, can worsen the symptoms of a child with autism. It is highly suggested that one grows their own food or seek healthier, more natural food.

What if your patient has a history of severe anaphylaxis and carries several auto-injectors If you have administered one of the auto-injectors but the patient's condition continues to worsen Which of?

If you have administered one of the auto-injectors but the patient's condition continues to worsen, give additional preloaded auto-injectable epinephrine. This is should be done every 5-10 minutes as required up to 3 doses.