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Yes, it is not uncommon to have yellow, frothy bubbles and bile with your bowel movement. There may also be blood present and visible.

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Q: Can crohn's disease cause yellow stool?
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Can Too much protein cause yellow stool?

Yellow stool can be caused from too much protein. This is usually an indicator of Celiac disease. You need to be evaluated by a doctor for a diagnosis.

What could cause a yellow rectangular object to come out in the stool?

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What if your C reactive protein was 19 you are only 29 and have been waking up with headaches and have had blood in your stool what does this mean?

The most common causes of an elevated CRP is infection and inflammation. Elevated CRP can also be caused by auto immune diseases like Crohns disease (its an inflammatory disease and can raise CRP levels). Symptoms of Crohns disease include: diarrhea, blood in the stool, abdominal pain and cramping, fatigue, weight loss and ulcers. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms since you may need further tests to find out what is causing your elevated CRP.

What are the symptoms of Crohns disease Any diet to prevent it ?

Some symptoms of Crohn's disease are Diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, blood in your stool, ulcers, and weight loss. A recommended diet would be a lower fiber diet since fiber is poorly digestible, liquid diet, intravenouos nutrition, etc.

What are the characteristics of crohns disease?

Some of the most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Rectal bleeding, weight loss, arthritis, skin problems, and fever can also be symtoms. Bleeding may be serious and persistent, which may even cause anemia, so you would need your Dr. to do an Iron test as well as a blood cell count for diagnosis. These are only the most common symptoms. If you suspect you may have Crohn's disease, see your Physician right away, as there are treatments that alleviate many of the poblems arising from this disease.

How Crohns disease is diagnosed?

Doctors will study a list of signs and symptoms when Crohns is suspected. There are some physical indicators such as loops of inflamed bowels stuck together where a lump can be felt in the abdomen. Constant diarrhea and pain, fever of unknown origin and nausea. Blood in the stools and frothy yellow fecal matter are also indications. When Crohns is suspected, the following tests can be undertaken to confirm diagnosis. Stool tests, blood tests, Sigmoidoscopy with or without biopsy. Colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scans, Barium enema x-rays are also used. All of these tests are carried out as "out-patient" testing.

when i poped a pimple yellow puss came out followed by blood. is this bad?

This could mean that you have an infection. The yellow pus that was in your stool is discharge from your gut. There could be a number of things wrong, which include, an infection to food poisoning, an abscess due to infection, haemorrhoids(piles), digestive conditions such as Crohns disease or irritable bowel syndrome, an STD such as genital warts around your bottom, chlamydia, or herpes, or even cancer. If I were you, I would go to the doctor and get this checked out. I hope you feel better.

What causes green stool in dogs?

Yellow foam suggests your dog is vomiting stomach bile from an empty stomach. This can be caused by an infection of the stomach or upper intestine, food allergy or auto-immune disease in the intestinal tract. Regardless of the cause, it would be a good idea to have a veterinarian examine your dog and determine the cause - chronic vomiting isn't fun and there are treatments for several of the major causes of this.

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What does it mean when the stool started out as is yellow and floating.

Can B12 cause dark stool?

Iron, at least, certainly can (it may also cause greenish stool).

Is human feces spread disease?

human stool is the energy wasted by individuals. The stool can harbor diseases and viruses if one succombs to a disease or virus. Doctors can order a stool sample for signs of illness regarding that individual, where they will check for color, texture, and disease