

Can cyclones kill you

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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There are a number of ways that a tropical cyclone causes most of their deaths through flooding, both through torrential rain, and through driving the sea onto land, in what is called the storm surge. The rain can loosen soil, potentially resulting in deadly landslides. The winds themselves also create a threat, as they can topple trees and generate flying debris, both of which can be lethal when they hit people. Tropical cyclones also produce thunderstorms which carry the risk of severe wind gusts and tornadoes, though tornadoes of tropical origin are generally less dangerous than those from non-tropical systems.

Extratropical or mid-latitude cyclones, sometimes produce severe weather and tornado outbreaks, which include the violent tornadoes that result in the most tornado related deaths. Lightning from thunderstorms that these systems produce can also be deadly. Extratropical cyclones can also produce severe winter weather, including ice storms, blizzards, and extreme cold, which can kill though car accidents, blocking chimneys, trapping people and killing through hypothermia.

Both tropical and extratropical cyclones have also been known to sink ships.

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They can toss you into buildings, send debris into you to kill you, destroy all sources of food water and power to make you starve to death.

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