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Maybe, but the most common symptoms are loss of interest in pleasurable activities, demotivation, loss of purpose, loss of interest in life, fatigue and increased sleep.

In some cases when I have been depressed I have slept 20 hours or more in a day, only bothering to get up for the time it took to use the bathroom when that could wait no longer, I rarely ate or drank as that took too much effort. I did get dehydration headaches during these times from not drinking enough, but that was not a direct symptom of the depression and was easily fixed by drinking something.

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Q: Can depression give you headaches and make you feel like you're out of it?
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Symptoms of depression include, sadness and feelings of being alone or monely evenin a crowded room feelings of dispare and frequent crying. Feelings of being irritated and or irrational over event he smallest things. learn more about depression