

Can dog die from chocolate

Updated: 3/11/2020
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13y ago

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They can be very ill and sometimes do die if fed ordinary chocolate.

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Q: Can dog die from chocolate
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Well, chocolate makes dogs die.

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No not really, But what kills a dog is Chocolate

What if your dog licked chocolate?

I think they can get really sick or die

Does chocolate cause a dog to die?

Yes, chocolate contains an ingredient that is poisonous to dogs and other animals.

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I would think so, chocolate is toxic to dogs.

What kind of dessert do dogs eat and then die?

chocolate,because it has theoborine in it and can make a dog die

Can chocolate die?

if you are asking if chocolate can kill a dog then your wrong because it just makes them sick so to keep that from happening do feed them chocolate.

Can dogs die if they eat a chocolate tootise pop?

No, to actually die, a dog would have to ingest at least 5 lbs. of chocolates, and tootsie rolls are barely real chocolate. You have nothing to worry about. Your dog will be fine. :)

How dangerous is it if a dog eats chocolate?

It is very dangerous for a dog to eat chocolate it could die from eating lot of if u give it some its stomach might hurt after so don't even try giving the dog chocolate.

How long does it take for a dog to die after eating chocolate?

Maybe, because chocolate is poisonous to dogs. When it happens, think of how much chocolate your dog has eaten. If your dog has ate lots of chocolate, your dog needs immediate help. If not much, call your dog's vet for more information. Always call your dog's vet if your dog has ate chocolate (any amount). So, your dog might not die automatically

What happens to dogs that ate hot choclete mix?

Dog can die if they eat too much chocolate. In fact its like when we eat a moth ball not good for you and if you eat to many you will die.

How can Yorkies Die?

every dog can die the same way... one of the most common ways is to feed your dog chocolate. Chocolate is poisonous to not only dogs but to us to but however chocolate does not effect us because we digest it much faster... click on the link below to find out more ways any dog can die...