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In a way yes. Alcohol is very fattening so it can cause you to gain weigh.

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Q: Can drinking alcohol stop muscle growth?
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Does Drinking alcohol make you stop growing?

Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.

how to stop them from drinking alcohol ?

how to stop them from drinking alcohol

Does swimming after working out stop muscle growth?

no it does not stop muscle growth. it actually gains more muscle.

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What helps control alcohol tremors?

Drinking alcohol will stop the tremors temporarily. However, the long term solution is to stop drinking.

What is the movement?

a campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol

How do you correct alcohol abuse?

You stop drinking alcohol or drink it moderately.

When does muscle growth stop?

when you want it to.

If you stop drinking alcohol do you need rehab?

yes because alcohol is an addiction

How do you treat red face from alcohol?

Stop Drinking!

Why do you spit when you drink alcohol?

There is no reason why you would spit when you drink alcohol. If it bothers you, then stop drinking alcohol.

Does drinking cofee stop your growth?

NO ! ( or I would be a midget )