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Absolutely they can. I have a breathalyzer in my car from a DUI and it registered after drinking a 180 Energy drink. I have a police issue breathalyzer I use to see what my BAC is before I attempt to start my car. I just tried an experiment. I blew a 0.000 then took a drink of a Rockstar Juiced Mango and Orange passion fruit. I immediately blew again and registered a 2.68 on my breathalyzer. After a drink of water I registered a 0.000, so do not drink an energy drink and then try to blow. Wait a minute or two, or drink a glass of water to clear from your system.

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2w ago

No, drinking an energy drink should not cause a false breathalyzer reading. Breathalyzers specifically detect alcohol levels in the breath, not the ingredients in an energy drink. However, some energy drinks may contain alcohol, so it's important to check the label before consuming.

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Q: Can drinking an energy drink cause a false breathalyzer reading?
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most likely, it might not kill you, but it will cause problems later in the future if you keep drinking it. young people like yourself shouldnt be drinking mio energy, or any other typemof energy drinks.

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It is in the UK ! ANYONE suspected of drink-driving - no matter what their age - can be breathalyzed and the results used in court ! In the United States, probable cause is required to give a breathalyzer test. Note that the standard for what is considered "probable cause" in the case of a vehicle driver is considerably lower than for their passengers (or for someone walking down the street). That is, the police have a much easier time meeting the minimum level of suspicion to require a breathalyzer for the driver than for their passenger. Also note that police are allowed to give a breathalyzer test to someone they suspect has consumed alcohol and appears to be under the legal drinking age, regardless of whether that person is driving or not. Also, be aware that riding a bike is considered operating a vehicle in most of the US.

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