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Green tea helps very much. If lemon and honey is added, it'll help even more.

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Q: Can drinking green tea make your period heavier than normal?
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Is green a normal period color?

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Is it normal for your poo to turn green after drinking too much?

Yes. That is liver bile, the same stuff that turns your puke green. It is a sign of a stressed liver.

Why is your feces green after drinking red wine?

The red food coloring in (mostly cheap) red wine combined with the normal brown color of feces = green!

How much and how long do you have to drink green tea for your period to come?

Someone is fooling with your mind . . . the onset of your period is controlled by your hormones. Drinking or eating anything, including green tea, makes no difference, at all, believe me!

What element is a light green yellow gas heavier than air?

Almost all solid elements are heavier than air. This is why these elements do not float under normal atmospheric situations.

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Are you drinking green beer?

Can I make my first period come a little bit faster drinking green tea?

No. Your hormones determine when your period will start. I can't help but wonder why you are in a hurry for your period. You will have it for at least 50 years once it begins and many times there can be PMS before your period and cramps when it starts.

Is it normal for you to have green period blood and that you can feel the chunks coming out?

The "chunks" are likely normal; that's the mucus, tissue, etc. that you lose during a period. Green blood? Not so much. See a doctor or specialist for that. Anything green from the vagina is a bacterial infection. Do NOT wait to go to the Dr because bacteria can enter the uterus and the infection can make you permanently infertile.

When you are down to the green Alesse tablets and you have had your period for 20 days should you start the new pack right after the green even though your period may not come?

Hi, You should continue taking your pills as normal and as they were prescribed to be taken by your doctor.

What kind of tea helps you start your period?

Green tea. I am ten and I researched it and I tried it and it worked. Also try drinking it while soaking in a hot hot bath.

What makes drinking water green?


What if your period isn't bloody but its clear and gooey?

That isn't actually your period. It's actually discharge. It's normal for kids from 9+ to get it. But if the discharge becomes green or smells, see a doctor-it could be an infection