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When I feel an attack coming on I drink 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with about 8 ounces of water. I started this during my last attack 6 months ago. I also drink lemon water. I just turned 30 so am really hopeful that the baking soda continues to work so that I don't have to suffer with this regularly for the next 40 years or so. I have had a couple scares during the last 6 months, but the baking soda routine seems to keep it at bay. I don't incorporate the baking soda in my diet all the time, only when I feel an attack coming on.

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10y ago

Gout can be caused by drinking too much soda. But this was done with a very small study and may not be accurate.

Gout is caused by having too much uric acid in the body. This can be caused by heredity, being overweight, drinking too much alcohol, and eating too many foods rich in purines. Please see the related link below for more information.

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It hasn't been proven that drinking diet soda causes premature babies.

Can drinking too much soda cause health issues?

Yes. try drinking less soda and more water. stop going to wikianswers people!!!!IT DOESN'T HELP!!!!!!!! people can create an account, change the answers to something ttly usless and it won't help you one bit!!!

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yes dark soda such as pepsi, coke, and root beer cause acne. how? the carmel colering in the soda has a negative reaction to the skin when drank

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you can die from drinking to much soda and if you eat to much pop rocks you can die

Will drinking a 2 liter soda a day cause health problems?

Drinking a 2-liter soda a day can lead to health problems due to the high sugar content, which contributes to weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. It can also lead to poor hydration and potential nutrient deficiencies if consumed regularly in place of healthier beverages.

How can bone loss be avoided?

Yea... stop drinking so much soda

What are the bad effects of soda pop?

Well, drinking too much soda can cause your body to produce too much insulin which can be the beginning causes of diabetes. Also, it rots your teeth from the inside out. Finally, a can of fizzy soda can damage the soft tissue of your throat. In fact, when a certain soda is poured over a rusty car engine, it ate away at the rust!

Does drinking soda cause gum disease?

You cannot say that it causes gum disease, but you might be able to say that it contributes to it because of the acidic nature of soda.

Does drinking soda cause obesity?

It doesn't only excess calories do. When you go over your calorie limit you gain weight. Doesn't matter if they come from sugary foods or healthy stuff. A calorie is a calorie is a calorie.