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Q: Can dwarf hamsters go deaf because of whistles being blown?
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The term of being high is being blown

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What do hamsters like and dislike?

I have had my syrian hamster for about a year and they like 1. all types of fuits and vegetables 2. to dig 3. to bite(toys and paper mostly) be petted they dislike 1. being blown at 2. being surprised 3. to be abused (obviously) 4. noise

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She meant that Lily and James has angered the wrong people - Death Eater and Voldemort - and had then gotten killed by Voldemort. She referred to it being blown up because the house was blown apart when the curse backfired.

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Yes because of all of the dust being blown around and getting in peoples lungs

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Because the head gasket is blown.

Does wind affect the pitch of a whistle?

the pitch doesnt actually change but it might sound quieter to you because the sound it being blown away

Why do engineers on trains blow whistles at railroad crossing?

As a warning for the way to be cleared. A whistle may also be blown before a train enters a long tunnel or deep cutting, in case engineers are working on the track ahead.

Can hamsters have strawberries?

no not all, i have a teddy bear hamster and i tried feeding her strawberrys and she did not eat them I also have a teddy bear hamster, he likes strawberrys, all hamsters have different tastes. Just like humans.