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First off not by itself . each drug requires a chemical to break it down . so it depends on the drug used , how much and so on . for the most part dying alone is not going to cut it . there is one product a chemical application called Hair Razor its not a shampoo ,

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13y ago

It depends if you already have a drug urine test scheduled before you start coloring your hair.

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14y ago

No. Drugs and other chemicals stay in the hair for months and sometimes years.

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13y ago

no.. it dosent work like that

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Q: Can dying your hair help pass a drug test?
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No, using lice shampoo will not help you pass a hair drug test. The chemicals in lice shampoo are not designed to mask or eliminate drug metabolites in the hair. The best way to pass a hair drug test is to abstain from drug use.

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No. Drugs stay in the fat cells and hair . If you want to pass don't use the drug.

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Depending on how you mean this question, I have the following answers for you: If you meant, "Will dying your hair help", the answer is no. Hair dye, bleach, etc. only effects the outside of the shaft; not the core, nor the follicle itself (which it typcally can't reach anyway). If you meant, "will dying help you pass this test", being dead makes the hair follicle test irrelevent, at least from your point of view, although it's probably way too extreme a response to the prospect of a drug test.

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alcohol does not show up on a hair follicle drug test. :)

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No, doesn't do a thing for helping a drug test. Most drugs stay in the hair and fat cells of the body. Some never leave. The only thing that will help you pass a drug test is to quit using the drug.

How does dying your hair influence the genes for hair color?

It doesn't ! Dying your hair has no effect on the genes you pass on to your offspring. Your children will inherit either yours or your partner's natural hair colour - or a mix of both !

Can you strip your hair to pass a drug test?

No, they test the folicle.

Is twenty six days enough to pass a drug test?

No. Depending on the drug it stays in your hair and fat cells. If you want to pass a drug test quit using.

Is there something you can clean your dentures with to help pass a saliva drug test?

The only thing that will help you pass a drug test is NOTto take drugs. The drug is in your system, not on your dentures.

How can you pass a hair follicle drug test for THC?

I know you will need a 90 days to pass a hair drug test I have had plenty urine and saliva and I will suggest to you check this website (for hair its guys are very good. I found it here and tried it myself. They can help you. Also you can call for a phone consultation, its free.