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No, definitely not, not the peaking at least.

Many people can feel it the next day or even week but that's just the affects of being on an ecstasy high.

Unless they're really crap pills in which case you're probably not going to feel them at all

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Q: Can ecstasy take one day to feel?
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Do you see stuff when you are on ecstasy?

Taking ecstasy can make one see things that are not really there in reality. Some people who have taken ecstasy claim to have seen angels and demons standing in front of them. Some say that ecstasy just makes them sensitive to certain lighting. However, ecstasy's effects on people vary greatly. Some do not feel ecstasy, while some feel it greatly.

Can you get adicted to ecstasy?

No. but once you do take them and if you do enjoy the experience you are most likely to take another one

How do you take pure ecstasy?

How do you breathe? Answer: you breathe How do you tell a joke? Answer: you tell a joke How do you stand on your head and eat carrots? Answer: you stand on your head and eat carrots. How do you take pure ecstasy? Answer: you take pure ecstasy. Actually, you don't. And I sincerely hope you are not going for ecstasy. Because that would be as inane as standing on one's head to eat carrots, except with the carrots you won't end up dead.

What happens if you take 20 ecstasy pills at one time?

you would probably die

What does death feel like?

Ecstasy It leaves you feeling at peace, its like right before you die, you have a flashback of your whole life. It is ecstasy. In a weird way, we'll all find out. One way or another. Sooner or later.

What do you do when you have a crush on a best friend and they dont feel the same way?

Take it one day at a time and move on.

What are the social consequences of using ecstasy?

You will feel at one with the world, you will feel like you love everyone and yourself, and you might feel and express really profound feelings of love while you're high. It can go too far though, as the line is thin between expressing love and molesting or annoying someone, especially if the ecstasy pill contained amphetamines.

How many ecstasy pills you need to roll?

One is all it takes. If you take more it will only increase your roll.

My friend gave me a pill and I found out it was ecstasy and I only took one and I jst want to know how will i get over this abd Is there any mental side effects of ecstasy?

if ur still alive then ur fine one pill ain't gonna do nothin to you except make you feel good

I feel my dog about one day?


Does ecstasy make you feel hot and unsleepy?

Yes it actually raises your body temperature (one potentially dangerous side effect) and usually keeps you awake

Is one extacy pill enough for a first timer?

yes, you can! however, if it is your first time doing ecstasy, you should take only one pill at first, wait about 2 hours to see how you're feeling, and then if you feel like you can handle it, take another half a pill or full one. after you have done ecstasy more than once you can take multiple pills. however, do not take more than one at a time, or within 1 and a half hrs of one another. if you have a tolerance, then you can start double dropping pills, but yea, space them out so you don't suprise your body, overdose, and die. PEACE LOVE UNITY RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY!