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Q: Can education make a difference in salary for veterinarians?
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It can make a big difference in the type of jobs that someone can get. And that will, in turn, affect the salary one can make.

How much do small vets make?

The average starting salary for small animal veterinarians is approximately $64,744. The average starting salary for large animal veterinarians is approximately $62,424.

How much did veterinarians make in the year 2011 in Ohio?

The average annual salary for veterinarians in the United States in 2011 was ~US$90,000. However, the data is not broken down by state.

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How much do aquaculture veterinarians earn yearly?

The salary can range from $72,000 to $79,000 per year. The more experience you have, the more you will likely make.

Does education make a difference in salary for a news reporter?

News reporters generally make around 35,000 dollars a year. There is a gradual switch from writing for hardcopy newspapers to writing for social media and online.

What is the average salary a veterinary in Atlanta?

The average veterinary salary in the Atlanta area is around $70,000. New graduates generally bring in $56,000 and veterinarians who are also hospital owners can make as much as $150,000. As with any job, salary increases with years of experience.

What is the average salary of a vet in Singapore?

Veterinarians in Singapore average about $3,000 per month. Veterinarians in the United States make much more and average $130,000 per year.

What is the salary of an x ray salary tech?

The salary of an x ray tech can vary depending on your area, experience, and education. As a rough estimate, they make 50,000 to 75,000 dollars a year.

How much does a wal-mart department manager make each year What is the salary range Does formal education make a difference?

$11.00 an hour for a class 6 manager in NYS. Electronics and a few other department positions pay a little more.

How much does a California swat make?

A California SWAT team member had a base salary of about $49,000 in 2013. With more experience and education, the salary increases significantly.

How much does a vet make in the state of Pennsylvania?

According to 2013 numbers the average salary for a veterinarian in Pennsylvania is $69,000/year (12% lower than the national average). Obviously, the salary will vary and be much higher with experience (years in practice), location (veterinarians in large cities earn more), education (board certified specialists will earn more), and practice ownership (practice owners/partners will earn more).